There are a variety of jobs that a licensed therapist can pursue. Contracting with a group private practice like Carolina Counseling Services presents a number of alluring factors that can make it an ideal position. Between the scheduling flexibility, supportive staff, and lucrative income possibilities, it is easy to understand why so many therapists have chosen to put their skills to work contracting with Carolina Counseling Services.
Therapists are able to set their own schedules. Whether you are limited by obligations or simply prefer to work outside traditional office hours, your schedule is your own. Some therapists prefer a typical 9-5 schedule. Some therapists opt to be available in evenings or on weekends to accommodate clients who cannot get away from their own jobs to pursue counseling. Others create a hybrid model of their own, creating a framework that allows them to work the specific days and hours that best fit their own lives. Gone are the days of “calling in” to a supervisor when you are sick or on vacation—you are in charge! While there are reasonable expectations as to how much time a therapist takes off, the only one approving time off is you. You set your own schedule, days off, and vacation time.
Extensive Potential For income
While reimbursement rates vary by insurance company and plan, fully licensed therapists at Carolina Counseling Services (CCS) can expect to make between $55-$60 per session, on average. This gives therapists the potential to make a very comfortable living doing what they love—providing therapy to clients!
It is important to note that because therapists are independent contractors, CCS does not withhold taxes. Contractors are responsible for maintaining their own financial records and ensuring that appropriate State and Federal taxes are paid in a timely manner.
Warm, Inviting Work Environment—Your Place or Ours!
Carolina Counseling Services has many offices in North Carolina and we are continually growing! If we have an open office near your home, you will be provided with a warm, inviting waiting room, clean restrooms, and a space to call your own.
You are free to decorate this office in a way that reflects you and your personality. You create a space where both you and your clients can feel relaxed, welcome, and supported.
Supportive Staff and Management Team
One of the best parts of working at CCS is the unending amount of support our therapists get from the administrative and management teams. The Scheduling Team works continuously to ensure that every therapist has a full schedule—whatever a “full” schedule looks like to each individual.
If a therapist has an open slot, the Scheduling Team, thanks to the hard work of the Marketing Team, will screen and schedule a new client as soon as possible. This not only ensures that CCS is able to help as many clients in need of services as possible, but also that therapists are reaching their full potential. The Billing Team works tirelessly to process insurance billing, authorizations, and follow up to ensure our therapists are paid fully, fairly, and promptly. The Operations Team will ensure that any issues relating to our offices are promptly remedied.
If you are looking for the perfect therapist job in North Carolina, look no further—you’ve found it at Carolina Counseling Services!