If you are a licensed therapist in North Carolina, send your cover letter and resume to the following email: Applicants@

CCS does not offer practicum or internship placements. Please keep us in mind, however, after you obtain your provisional license!



Finding Freedom as a Contractor: A Personal Journey

October 14th, 2024|Categories: Carolina Counseling Services, Therapists|Tags: |

Audio As an Independent Contractor, I learned so much about myself and came to terms with how deeply institutionalized and traumatized I had become as a clinician. Working [...]

Setting Up Your Telehealth Office: Tips for Creating a Professional and Private Space

October 10th, 2024|Categories: Carolina Counseling Services, Online Counseling, Therapists, Work|Tags: , |

Audio When the world transitioned to teletherapy, many clinicians were thrust into this new way of practicing without much guidance on how to set up their telehealth office. While [...]

The Heart of Carolina Counseling Services: What Sets Us Apart

September 30th, 2024|Categories: Carolina Counseling Services, Therapists, Work|Tags: |

Audio One of the truly unique things about Carolina Counseling Services (CCS) is our ability to operate as a cohesive team— from the top down. With three [...]

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