Things to Know When Starting Your Practice
Audio In 2019 and 2020, many new platforms emerged to assist therapists in building their own private practices. These platforms often market themselves as helping you with credentialing and [...]
Is Private Practice Right for Me?
Audio When considering private practice, it’s essential to remember that it's not for everyone. You may be an excellent clinician with strong credentials, yet private practice might not [...]
Being in the Helper Field: Finding Balance
Audio When we first enter the helper field, it's common to feel an overwhelming desire to save the world. Many of us play the martyr, pushing ourselves to help as [...]
Staying Connected to the Community
Audio As a clinician, it's easy to feel like you're on a pedestal—like a superstar in your own right. That might sound strange, but stick with me. [...]
Knowing When You Are Working Outside of Your Scope of Practice
Audio As mental health professionals, it's natural to want to help everyone. We strive to be the person who saves the day, offering care and support to as many people [...]
Finding Your Niche: It Doesn’t Have to Be Set in Stone
Audio Let’s take a walk down memory lane. Whether it’s many years ago or just recently for you, think back to graduate school—when you first decided to [...]